Welcome to the area's newest Music School
Located at 62 Delaware St, Woodbury.
Across from the Library​
Behind the Old Courthouse, WMS/WHS
Ample parking, family waiting space, beautiful gardens

Important Upcoming Dates: ​
Recitals Saturday February 8th at the First Baptist Church, Pitman.​​​​​
We are closed April 17th - 23rd.

We are now enrolling students

*Degreed, experienced teachers
​*Lowest Rates in southern New Jersey
thanks to the generous support of Christ Church
*Flexible Scheduling
*Free Recitals
*Makeup lessons on your schedule from your home
*Ages 6 and up
*Flexible lessons for adults
Interested in lessons? We make it easy!
The button below will help you choose a lesson time.
Feel free to register when you're ready.
We update available lesson times as they change.
Check out our staff bios or email us if you have questions!​

Heading 4
Music lessons for all ages
Experienced, patient, caring teachers who make music learning fun!

316 North Broadway, Pitman.
Christ Church, 62 Delaware St, Woodbury, (behind the former court house)

What are your rates?
Our basic membership - 30 minute lesson - $150/month. Please see our membership page for a complete list of what your membership includes!
How often are lessons held?
Lessons are weekly, at a recurring time slot. Most are 30- minutes. 45- and 60- minute lessons are recommended for students past their 3rd year.
Flexible schedule?
We do not require students to commit for the semester. Students are free to change lesson times as their schedule requires and our teacher's availability permits.
What age can my child start lessons?
Piano and Guitar lessons can begin at 5. Voice lessons can begin at 6. All other instruments can begin at 10.
Can parents sit in on lessons?
Yes, we have ample space in our teaching rooms for parents who want to listen in. We can also Zoom you in from the other room.​​